Daily photographs by HANS VON RITTERN, with humorous, artistic and social commentary on life in the big city.

Archive for December 30, 2013



Photo of the day: HANS’ PERSON OF THE YEAR – WHO WILL IT BE? In 2010 I chose my Glasgow guest Bethany Martin for turning me on to Facebook – and look to where it has led!, 834 friends later!
In 2011 I chose my then new friend Paul Ker who had been a total… stranger, friended me on Facebook because he liked my photos and volunteered his time to help me choose my new camera and equipment which resulted in the photos you see.
For 2012 I broke with tradition from choosing a Facebook ‘friend’ and chose my mom, for supporting me through some rough times in early 2012. I am doubly blessed! I have a loving ‘family of friends’ here on my blog and on Facebook. Some of you I have never even met and I feel so close to and owe so many of you a nice long phone call. But you are “there”, showing me love and support when I need it, for that I thank you all greatly. Thank you und vielen Dank! But when we are lucky enough to always have a loving mother to turn to, we are the most lucky person in the world. Isn’t true…we always turn to mom. So for all the comfort and support and the security of knowing no matter how awful it got and gets, she would be and is there . . . mom was the 2012 Person of the Year.
This year again I will choose a person that had the most affect or influence on my life in 2013. I’ve met so many wonderful people and have had so many amazing incredible experiences, but I will choose one. Which one of the absolutely terrific people in my life will it be? STAY TUNED 🙂 !